Saturday, 21 November 2009


>>然后,这次去还坐了sg rejang splash boat,这玩意儿是每次排队排一半就走人的机动游戏,因为每次去都很多人玩那个;相反,这次一进去就有的玩了
>>还有,本来打算买票玩flying coaster,柜台没开。。。
>>pirate ship,在船上和船下的温度,其实我不明白为什么会不一样,船还没开动就已经冷得像erm..整个人在冰箱里洗澡的感觉。。
>>tea cup,那个宝森真的是啊,转啊转,我保证再目者的你们会看到百年难得一见的哈雷彗星。。。
>>erm...bumper boat~no one else wanna accompany sam play,he play himself then he tell us that he don't know how to start the engine and always bump the people that he don't recognize..
>>we used to reach the dinosaur land with the pathway..but in the pathway,have few of animal like parrot, bird etc.. god sharmain go to carry the parrot??!!
>>indoor theme park~~
**the most i admire was the motion else..just fall in love with this..
**adult bumper car?~I'm the one who keep bump other cars...(maybe i can be a F1 racer soon)
**rio float>the one have a nice appearance but zero excitement...
Well,that's my experience with friend...any suggestion or complainant just leave down your comment...