Friday 13 June 2014

Renew after 1 year

Well, just realised that it's been a while not updating my blog. But nowadays people seldom use blog I think, instead of social media tools? Actually blog is also a tool to express bloggers' feelings. Well, many changes of myself this year. I have joined the 一贯道, which I have to go to 佛堂书院 every Thursday. This has been a habit or a practice for me. I had really learnt lot of things from there. Sincerely thanks for chenjie's dedicating pay out. Without her, definatly I won't be not saying successful but changing of my personal attitude and relationship matters. And I, had just bought the uniform yesterday! Actually I was so happy that I have had such result in such short period of time, but will it be too fast for me? Am I able to bear the heavy of the uniform? The responsibility of the uniform that it has. "One who wear the crown, bear the crown", it's definatly well said. Now only I can feel the heaviness of the uniform. I know, now is the time. I'm going to change, improve myself, to have a better me, as well as a better prospect for my family. Start to kick off today! You can go for it, Rachel ! 

Friday 19 April 2013

Election month + Final

Hello~~ I'm here again. Well, election is around the corner, but it seems like non of my business, as I'm still under the age of vote. Yea, what I can do right now is just focus on my studies, to ensure a better future. Oh yea, I think I'm the lucky one to have the ticket to enjoy my friend's performance in the show called Astro Star Quest(ASQ) 2013, she was my choir leader when I was in secondary school. I'm proud of her, seriously, I dare to say not merely me, but the whole Chong Hwa students are giving her the strongest and warmest support in order she can beat into top 5 of this competition. Hope she will beat in so, but the most crucial factor is not the ranking I know, it's all about enjoy the experiences. Well, I'm going to sit the final exam in the early of May, and god please do sentimentally attach some part-time job to me after my final okay? I need to gain more experiences as I could. I want to rebuild a stronger inner of myself. I hope I can find a job regardless of the wealth situation of  my parents, I just want to experience, that's it. Friend asking me to join Famine 30 in the mid of July. I don't think I can endure the life without foods for few days, but I wish that I'm one of the millions of joining this meaningful activity. So, just set a target, huien. Okay, I will try as far as I could. Fighting!!

Monday 21 January 2013


今天,是开年的第21天, 明天我就要进入第二个学期的课堂了。心中,有点期待,有点忐忑,害怕自己不能完成或是做不好。一切的一切,皆因我--想太多吧,总之,顺其自然,听天由命,我是相信,老天一定会安排一条他觉得最适合我们的路给我们,可能不是华丽的康庄大道,但是,天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志.我觉得这话一点都没说错.

哈哈,我发现我的部落格每次都写与学业有关的,很少记录到别的事迹.好吧,新年要到了,今年的新年,嗯,气氛好像不是很浓,或许是时间还早吧. 希望今年的新年会热闹起来.

啊,我最近迷上了韩国的RUNNING MAN, 我觉得,SBS制作队绝对是尽心尽力的去策划,才会有那么好看的综艺节目,这一份用心,是值得去支持的.听说他们4月多会来大马,希望是真的吧.哈哈,这样我就可以见到我觉得还不错的李光洙了,很可惜他每次都在里面被人欺负,哈哈.

Well, I need to practice more, practices make perfect, I trust the words. I will try to put on all my effort on my studies, I'm taking ITC, Business Statistic, Marketing and Macroeconomics this semester. The subject I have most scared is Business Statistic, although I have learned before in my A-level programme, but it's not that easy as I'm thinking of. But however, I will try my best to learn it and apply it in my future way of life.
While last semester, I had succeed that come to uni as early as I can, no late as like in college and secondary school, and I wish I could overcome this problem not only in this semester, but for my whole life, I have been noticed the important of punctuality, although it's a bit late, but better than nothing. I will try my best to be a punctual student. I believe in myself. I can do it better.  

Tuesday 15 January 2013



嗯,我去年报读了bcs of business,慧恩,你能有那么大的转变,我知道你需要很大的勇气,你也做到了!经商,或许范围很广,虽然我也还不是很确定自己对international business有 没有很大的炙热和兴趣,但是我的心里总是想望这个方向发展,或许有朝一日,我能够成功的运用我所学的知识也说不定。如果要改变现在的生活,就要不怕失败,挑战,勇敢的去闯,只要瓶颈已过,那就是美丽的蓝天了。所以,你要变强,要更努力,才能脱离到更好的生活。



Tuesday 28 August 2012



Sunday 17 June 2012


嗨嗨,我终于熬过A LEVEL 了!! 所以这次的3个月休假是打从我幼儿园念书到现在最长的假期。真是会有兴奋的感觉啦。好了,好久好久都没写日记了,但是我想未来的3个月,我会经常写日记,好让我的记忆不留白。



我的18岁,还剩下2个月而已呢,哈。很快,真的很快。我该怎么迎接我的19岁呢?我看不是大喜就是大悲吧,因为成绩就在8月中旬出炉,能不能出国深造,就看这次了。考试,我已经尽力了,不管是好是坏,一切都有上天来安排吧。我相信,他会给我一次很好的机会,让我把我毕生的技能发挥得淋漓尽致 ,所以,成功不是偶然,是靠努力换来的。努力吧!




Sunday 20 November 2011

这几个月, 我似乎在人际关系上面对了些困难, 但是我相信,我的人际处事是绝对没有问题的,当然我也不是说有问题的是他人,只是我相信我这套交友的方法是对的,他人不接受,想要批评,是他人的事吧。
阿,转眼之间,我的18岁已经过了4个月了。 哈哈,人生真是会有矛盾的时候,又期待未来坎坷的路,即不舍之前走过的美好。但是这并不重要,因为想要的那一刻一定会来,发生过的一定会过去,重要的是,活在当下,好好珍惜眼前的美好,这样当我们在回头以看时,才不会后悔当初留下的遗憾。


Whoo.!!Such a long time didn't have my blog managed. And I'm now to renew it.
Time flies, I had finished my AS exam last week. And it's time to prepare A2 now, but I know I won't do that so fast, because I need rest. Luckily these 2 months are holidays man!!
While these few months I learned more than I expected, in every aspects, whether studies, human relationship, or lifestyle. I have learned how to be more focus on my studies, how to manage the controversy between friends and me and more. And what I have been taught that is, don't bother about the worries, just go ahead to achieve what you wish and what you want. If you really want to get the things, it will be yours, no matter how difficult is the process going on. I know you can do it! Go ahead.!!

Friday 29 July 2011


August is coming. It's my month!!!!^^
I hope it may be something special. ~~
Did you knew your personalities very well? For me, I 'm not really understand myself but I know what I'm doing and what stuff I should do right now.Get yourself in the best status in front of everyone , only you can get the attraction of others.I agree with this formally. But life's mine, I should not consider external factors that would make my life unhappy or miserable. So, how should I do now? I'm at T junction again...~~
Yea, my life still going on which is called as unstoppable journey. No rest, keep going on to continue with my studies. I really hope that this is a right way to get me become a leader in the society. I'll continue paying effort on it, no matter how much rewards I'll get on my exam. This is my principle.

Monday 23 May 2011


我彻底的, 心死了。