Sunday, 20 November 2011

这几个月, 我似乎在人际关系上面对了些困难, 但是我相信,我的人际处事是绝对没有问题的,当然我也不是说有问题的是他人,只是我相信我这套交友的方法是对的,他人不接受,想要批评,是他人的事吧。
阿,转眼之间,我的18岁已经过了4个月了。 哈哈,人生真是会有矛盾的时候,又期待未来坎坷的路,即不舍之前走过的美好。但是这并不重要,因为想要的那一刻一定会来,发生过的一定会过去,重要的是,活在当下,好好珍惜眼前的美好,这样当我们在回头以看时,才不会后悔当初留下的遗憾。


Whoo.!!Such a long time didn't have my blog managed. And I'm now to renew it.
Time flies, I had finished my AS exam last week. And it's time to prepare A2 now, but I know I won't do that so fast, because I need rest. Luckily these 2 months are holidays man!!
While these few months I learned more than I expected, in every aspects, whether studies, human relationship, or lifestyle. I have learned how to be more focus on my studies, how to manage the controversy between friends and me and more. And what I have been taught that is, don't bother about the worries, just go ahead to achieve what you wish and what you want. If you really want to get the things, it will be yours, no matter how difficult is the process going on. I know you can do it! Go ahead.!!