Friday, 19 April 2013

Election month + Final

Hello~~ I'm here again. Well, election is around the corner, but it seems like non of my business, as I'm still under the age of vote. Yea, what I can do right now is just focus on my studies, to ensure a better future. Oh yea, I think I'm the lucky one to have the ticket to enjoy my friend's performance in the show called Astro Star Quest(ASQ) 2013, she was my choir leader when I was in secondary school. I'm proud of her, seriously, I dare to say not merely me, but the whole Chong Hwa students are giving her the strongest and warmest support in order she can beat into top 5 of this competition. Hope she will beat in so, but the most crucial factor is not the ranking I know, it's all about enjoy the experiences. Well, I'm going to sit the final exam in the early of May, and god please do sentimentally attach some part-time job to me after my final okay? I need to gain more experiences as I could. I want to rebuild a stronger inner of myself. I hope I can find a job regardless of the wealth situation of  my parents, I just want to experience, that's it. Friend asking me to join Famine 30 in the mid of July. I don't think I can endure the life without foods for few days, but I wish that I'm one of the millions of joining this meaningful activity. So, just set a target, huien. Okay, I will try as far as I could. Fighting!!

Monday, 21 January 2013


今天,是开年的第21天, 明天我就要进入第二个学期的课堂了。心中,有点期待,有点忐忑,害怕自己不能完成或是做不好。一切的一切,皆因我--想太多吧,总之,顺其自然,听天由命,我是相信,老天一定会安排一条他觉得最适合我们的路给我们,可能不是华丽的康庄大道,但是,天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志.我觉得这话一点都没说错.

哈哈,我发现我的部落格每次都写与学业有关的,很少记录到别的事迹.好吧,新年要到了,今年的新年,嗯,气氛好像不是很浓,或许是时间还早吧. 希望今年的新年会热闹起来.

啊,我最近迷上了韩国的RUNNING MAN, 我觉得,SBS制作队绝对是尽心尽力的去策划,才会有那么好看的综艺节目,这一份用心,是值得去支持的.听说他们4月多会来大马,希望是真的吧.哈哈,这样我就可以见到我觉得还不错的李光洙了,很可惜他每次都在里面被人欺负,哈哈.

Well, I need to practice more, practices make perfect, I trust the words. I will try to put on all my effort on my studies, I'm taking ITC, Business Statistic, Marketing and Macroeconomics this semester. The subject I have most scared is Business Statistic, although I have learned before in my A-level programme, but it's not that easy as I'm thinking of. But however, I will try my best to learn it and apply it in my future way of life.
While last semester, I had succeed that come to uni as early as I can, no late as like in college and secondary school, and I wish I could overcome this problem not only in this semester, but for my whole life, I have been noticed the important of punctuality, although it's a bit late, but better than nothing. I will try my best to be a punctual student. I believe in myself. I can do it better.  

Tuesday, 15 January 2013



嗯,我去年报读了bcs of business,慧恩,你能有那么大的转变,我知道你需要很大的勇气,你也做到了!经商,或许范围很广,虽然我也还不是很确定自己对international business有 没有很大的炙热和兴趣,但是我的心里总是想望这个方向发展,或许有朝一日,我能够成功的运用我所学的知识也说不定。如果要改变现在的生活,就要不怕失败,挑战,勇敢的去闯,只要瓶颈已过,那就是美丽的蓝天了。所以,你要变强,要更努力,才能脱离到更好的生活。

